Caitlin Philips

Mother, Child, Acrylic on Canvas

Mother, Child, Acrylic on Canvas

 Bio by Charlene Cooke Philips-

Both as an Artist and social individual, Caitlin has developed new skills. Her increasing interest in art has also re-ignited my love for creating art, and as a parent we have enjoyed working together.

Through the many events at the Gallery such as the Art Shows, Caitlin has been slowly finding her voice. She is connecting with other artists and being able to draw inspiration from them. This is probably the aspect which has had the most impact that the Gallery has provided for Caitlin.

Abstract, Flo Art on Canvas

Abstract, Flo Art on Canvas

Campbell Soup Can from the October Escape Room, acrylic on Canvas

Campbell Soup Can from the October Escape Room, acrylic on Canvas

The Lighthouse, Digital Art

The Lighthouse, Digital Art

Caitlin has shown her abilities shine and is talented for such a young artist -Janice Miller
Birds of a Feather, Acrylic on Canvas

Birds of a Feather, Acrylic on Canvas

Blue Winter, Acrylic on Canvas

Blue Winter, Acrylic on Canvas

EiffelTower, Acrylic on Canvas

EiffelTower, Acrylic on Canvas

Strawberry Jazz, Acrylic on Canvas

Strawberry Jazz, Acrylic on Canvas